Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hot List Examples 1 and 2

Hot List Examples:

"Frost began to creep up the walls. Transfixed, I watched the lines of frost lace their way across the stone of the north tower's records room. The pattern swept up from the floor, covering the wall, even icing the ceiling with something flakey and white. A few small silvery crystals of snow hung in the air.
It was all delicate and ethereal-and completely unnatural. The room's chill cut deeper than my skin, down to my marrow. If only I hadn't been alone. If somebody else could have been there to see it, I might able to believe it was real. I might have bee able to believe I was safe.
The ice cracked so loudly, I jumped. As I watched, m eyes wide and breath coming in thin, quick gasps, the frost etching its way across the window obscured the view of the night sky outside, blocking the moonlight, but somehow I could still see. The room possessed its own light now. All the many lines of frost on the window broke this way and that, not at random but in an eerie pattern, creating a recognizable shape.
A face." Pg 1 & 2 Prologue

Personification: The little mouse's corpse I hurles into the corner where it fell limply." (?)
Personification: The blood was even more welcome than the food. (?)

Character Traits: He(Lucus) wore a denim jacket, black T-shirt, and jeans. His dark golden hair had grown slightly longer, but other than that he was the same. Pg 57 & 58
Character Traits: His hair flowed long and dark, surrounding his face like a cloud. pg.120

Cause and Effect: "Even though it was probably my imagination, I could've sworn I felt Mrs. Bethany's eyes on the back of my neck the whole way. Raquel didn't say anything when I came into our room." Pg 133- Mrs. Bethany came into the room with Bianca, so Raquel was quite. (typo in the book-spelled rooom.)
Simile: Looking at him felt like diving into a sun-warmed pool, filled with light. pg. 58

Simile: His hair flowed long and dark, surrounding his face like a cloud. pg.120

Analogy:The forst man was as perfectly illustrated as any picture in a book. pg.120

Analogy:Then the pieces of ice fell to the floor, scattering around me like confetti. pg. 121

Main Idea: "Whatever it is that makes you the person you are-that's what I love. All of it. Including you being a vampire." pg. 295

Euphemism: It is a place of learning, a place of tradition, and for some a place of sanctuary. Safe place: sanctuary. Pg. 19. We drove into an underground parking garage that looked pretty much like any other except that it was illuminated by lanterns hung on the walls or the concrete pillars. Lighted up: illuminated. Pg. 67.

Onomatopoeia: The ice crackled so loudly , I jumped. Crackled. Pg. 1. The spike clattered to the floor. Clattered. Pg. 277.

 Shades of meaning: As April drew to a close, the school became very quiet. Vert quiet VS. silent. Pg. 292.

Faulty reasoning: The girl would have hurt you. Pg. 254.

Sensory language: I caught sight of a bundle of white flowers tied with ribbon; each petal was sparkling with frost, rigid, frozen solid. Sparkling. Pg. 166.

Metaphor: NA

Alliteration: NA

Idiom: NA

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